White paper by Biamp Systems' Vocia outlines "Five Ways Network-Based Paging is Improving Hospital Operations." It tells how network-based paging is creating smart systems for greater control, reducing noise, increasing satisfaction, ensuring safety and security, increasing intelligibility and making deployments flexible. It can be accessed at www.biamp.com/healthcare/.


KLMK Group's free newsletters tackle topics such as "What Is Integrated Project Delivery?" "Is Integrated Project Delivery Right For My Project?" "IPD Team Selection Process" and "Integrated Project Delivery — Risk & Insurance." They can be downloaded by logging on to www.klmkgroup.com/tabid/378/Default.aspx.


The Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council's free white paper on "Sustainable Operations in Healthcare: an Energy Management Program" offers energy management advice. It can be accessed at https://pubs.zipadi.com/siebenenergy_wp.


The Resilient Floor Covering Institute's new website provides background on a wide range of resilient flooring types, a listing of products certified by FloorScore® and recommendations for installation, removal and maintenance. It can be found at www.rfci.com.