Inside HFM

What's new at our website

New features and content that readers can't find elsewhere

As the most established and widely read magazine in the health care design, construction and operations field, Health Facilities Management’s reputation has long rested on the print or digital publication that arrives in your mail or email inbox each month. Given HFM’s nearly 30-year history, that’s certainly understandable, but readers are seeing only a fraction of the content we produce if they haven’t logged on to our website recently.

We keep our website content fresh, with various elements switching out on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. While some of these reports come from the monthly magazine, many more are developed specifically for the website.

In June, for instance, we added a daily blog to comment on health care trends, provide coverage of industry events, update readers on major construction projects and keep them abreast of the latest codes and standards challenges coming their way. HFM Today already has proven itself popular as several of our daily posts have gained wide circulation on social media.

Additions to our website have also included a revamped main feature carousel, which highlights a new set of top stories every week; a new “Data Dive” interactive statistics feature; frequently updated “Editor’s Picks,” “Popular Articles” and “Web Exclusive” features; new regulatory, product and archival items; and job listings from the American Hospital Association’s Health Career Center.

Closely related is our string of e-newsletters — HFM Insider, HFM News, HFM ES News, HFM Design News and HFM Infrastructure News. Many readers subscribe to them so they can be alerted to new issues of the magazine going up on the website or receive links to articles related to their areas of interest. As our Web initiatives continue to grow, so will our roster of newsletters to keep you up to date.

Other plans include more specialized electronic content targeted to specific niches within health care design, construction and operations as well as greater accessibility from smartphones and tablets.

Go to, look around and sign up for the newsletters that most interest you. Be sure to bookmark the site, so you can quickly return to check on our expanding offerings.

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