Inside HFM

Winning ES numbers

Data are key to superior environmental services performance.

One of the most pervasive trends in health care design, construction and operations over the past several years has been the quest for actionable data to inform decisions, measure results and make the case to administrators for additional resources.

Whether compiling research from studies to make patient-safe architectural choices, monitoring project costs to ensure under-budget performance, or crunching numbers to make sure engineering investments align with organizational priorities, health facilities professionals have grown adept at quantifying their decisions and performance.

This is especially true for hospital environmental services (ES) departments. While they perhaps have traveled further than most in turning their profession into a data-driven exercise, the top performers maintain a keen eye on their baseline numbers over a variety of performance measures, a firm grasp on their Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems scores, and regularly document their success stories.

That is why Health Facilities Management is proud to honor these high-achievers in our annual ES Department of the Year competition. Sponsored in cooperation with the Association for the Healthcare Environment and Cintas, the awards not only recognize exemplary performance, but also provide testimony to the analytical sophistication of the modern hospital ES department.

So turn to page 33 to learn more.

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