Last Detail

Art reborn

February 2013 Last Detail

Art reborn

Facility: Harlem Hospital Center
Location: New York City
Architect: HOK

The new Mural Pavilion, designed by HOK, is the centerpiece of New York City's Harlem Hospital Center.

The 192,000-square-foot center creates an efficient health care campus unifying previously disconnected structures spread over two city blocks.

Forming a new front door to the hospital, a light-filled atrium and a dramatic, five-story, historically significant mural welcome visitors and establish a strong community connection.

The atrium lobby links the Mural Pavilion with the Martin Luther King Jr. Pavilion and provides access to all types of care in a clear, welcoming manner.

Visible from the street and accessible from the atrium, a permanent art gallery houses the complete "Pursuit of Happiness" mural with other Works Progress Administration artists from the 1930s in adjacent galleries. During a campus modernization, the murals were discovered and have been meticulously restored.

Through its celebration of Harlem's historic culture, the hospital is designed to welcome and celebrate the diversity in the community it serves.


To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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