Inside HFM

Energy-efficient health care operations

Getting serious about energy efficiency can help to cut costs across the entire organization

When you think about ways to make your health care facility department more efficient, what comes to mind? For some, the first thought is reducing the number of people on staff to cut costs. But there’s a better way for health care facilities to become more efficient — by cutting BTUs instead of FTEs.

Becoming more energy efficient can help health care organizations provide care at a lower cost without sacrificing quality or safety. Health care facility leaders who understand this — and who work to reduce utility costs — are valuable assets to their organizations.

ASHE has several resources available to help your facility become more efficient, including Energy to Care. The Energy to Care program is a free benchmarking and awards initiative for health care facilities. One exciting development to note about Energy to Care: ASHE is investing in major improvements to the platform that will allow for more real-time energy management. The new platform will replace the current user interface and should provide a better user experience. Watch for more information about these improvements coming soon.

Health care facilities participating in the program are becoming ever more efficient. At last month’s ASHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition in Seattle, our awards program recognized a record number of hospitals that have cut energy costs significantly. Nearly 70 hospitals won an Energy to Care award — an amazing achievement that shows how facility professionals can provide value back to their organizations.

ASHE also recently highlighted efficiency ideas in a new monograph: “Reducing Operational Costs Through Energy Efficiency: Tips, Best Practices, and Case Studies from Energy Star® Hospitals.” The authors interviewed facility professionals at Energy Star-certified hospitals around the country to collect recommendations. The monograph includes ideas for efficiency and case studies. 

Take advantage of these ASHE resources and show your organization how you can provide efficiencies without affecting patient care.

Bradley R. Taylor, MBA, CHFM, ASHE President