Inside HFM

Some things change, and some stay the same

Fast changes prompt increased use of technology in health care delivery

Fall is usually the time when our attention turns to football, food and family — and, like many other norms this year, the heart of this season will remain as the implementation of our traditions evolve to meet the nation’s health and safety needs. 

The cover story in this issue of Health Facilities Management discusses designing for telehealth, which is another example of an outward evolution that preserves its core value: to provide the best patient care as safely as possible. As health care facilities professionals, we are always asked to have our feet firmly planted in the present, with our eyes constantly looking toward the future. 

If you aren’t already, I encourage you to think about how the increase in telehealth and other pandemic-related trends will affect the facilities you currently manage, design or build. We must be proactive in our planning now so we can continue to serve our communities optimally, no matter what challenges we encounter. 

If you want a jump-start in your planning, be sure to check out the American Society for Health Care Engineering’s (ASHE’s) COVID-19 resource page . You should also plan to attend the ASHE 2021 PDC Summit in May, which will focus on two main topic areas: general planning, design and construction issues; and pandemic-related issues. 

Speaking of conferences, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to the sponsors, exhibitors and attendees of ASHE’s first ever virtual conference early this month. I am blown away by the incredible effort of the ASHE staff, and I hope that each of you found both new experiences and some comforting consistency in the conference we presented this year. To support your access to our 2020 offerings, portions of the conference will be available on demand until Dec. 31.

Last but not least, I extend my congratulations to this year’s ASHE award winners: the recipients of the Crystal Eagle Leadership Award, the President’s Award, Regional Leader Awards, Chapter Awards and Excellence in Health Care Facility Management Award, along with the recipients of this year’s Energy to Care Award, Energy Champion Award and Chapter Challenge Award. Please take time to read about our winners.

Be well and stay safe.