Inside HFM

Conferences and workshop bring year to a strong finish

ASHE President Antonio Suarez reflects on triumphs of the past year and looks toward a successful 2022

I can hardly believe that we are in the final quarter of 2021. Some days, it feels as though no time has passed since March 2020, and other days, it feels as though the pandemic arrived a lifetime ago. While my perception of time does vary, one thing remains unambiguous: the quantifiable support American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) members and our peers have offered to protect communities around the country over the past 20 months and beyond. 

It was an honor to connect safely with so many of our amazing members and partners in person at the ASHE Annual Conference in Nashville, Tenn., this past August, after more than a year of virtual-only gatherings. It felt like I was visiting extended family members — who also happened to be responsible for creating the environment in which an in-person event was safe and permitted. I am so grateful for our profession’s contributions that made this possible. 

I am also extremely proud of ASHE for pulling off a virtual Annual Conference almost immediately following our in-person conference. The virtual conference offered a dynamic platform accessible from anywhere, anytime, so members could prepare for the future while taking care of the present.

With a successful conference season behind us and the Advisory Board’s strategic planning well underway, it’s tempting to focus only on 2022. But before we close the book on 2021, I want to point you to an exciting educational opportunity available at 50% off for a limited time: the online Health Care Construction Workshop. 

This ASHE educational event has been redesigned. It offers real-life scenarios for practical application and will also prepare you for your Certified Healthcare Constructor certification. You will become familiar with the latest compliance issues in health care construction, and learn what owners, staff and patients expect of constructors working in the health care environment. 

You don’t need to wait until Jan. 1 to set and achieve new goals. Let’s take advantage of everything that ASHE has to offer and wrap up 2021 the way we want to start 2022 — strong and getting stronger.