Inside HFM

Building teams (and facilities)

Investing in partnerships across organizations and departments to advance the health care mission

It’s hard to believe that we are almost halfway through 2023. The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) Advisory Board and staff continue to make progress on activities that support our strategic plan and to monitor the health care horizon for threats or disruptors that need attention. 

Specifically, we are scanning for shifts that could impact operations like regulatory changes, economic or technology issues, or competing interests. If needed, our strategic plan allows for adjustments to ensure that action can be taken when appropriate. However, not all signatures picked up on the ASHE radar are threats, and not all disruptors are negative. We are continuously witnessing and experiencing organizations representing different industries offering collegial alliances to one another. By building relationships, we can strengthen our position as experts in health care facilities management while offering support and avoiding duplication of services.  

A great example of building teams across disciplines is health care facilities partnering with design and construction experts to build environments that promote healing, happiness and community engagement. ASHE recognizes these valuable partnerships with Vista Awards each year — and this issue of Health Facilities Management features our 2023 winner for New Construction: Piedmont Atlanta Hospital’s Marcus Tower in Atlanta. The goal of this winning project was to establish a cardiovascular care destination that echoes 21st-century Atlanta, resonates with Piedmont’s values and modernizes an older campus. Please take some time to explore the feature inside detailing this incredible accomplishment. If your organization is taking on any innovative projects, I would highly encourage you to consider applying for a Vista Award. Eligibility requirements and other valuable information can be found at

And, speaking of ASHE awards, one of the many great honors of the ASHE president is giving the President’s Award to an ASHE member who has continuously gone above and beyond to advance our cause and consistently met the call to serve our organization. What has become clear is that there is a pretty long list of people who qualify. We are extremely fortunate to benefit from the time, expertise and dedication of so many members — and I have a tough job ahead!