Inside HFM

Moving forward

Changes in store for <em>HFM</em> in the new year

Welcome to another year of Health Facilities Management magazine. Once again, we'll continue delivering our ever-popular features, introducing innovative new elements and dedicating ourselves to continuous improvement.

Regular readers already may have noticed that we're setting aside our usual hospital cover profiles in favor of cover stories looking at design trends that apply to a number of facilities. With the industry's movement toward various smaller, more utilitarian structures and away from large, iconic architectural statements, this approach throughout the year allows us to focus on a wider variety of facilities.

Behind the cover, we'll still be bringing you the latest design, construction and operations news and trends. In fact, our content relationships with the industry's leading professional societies, designers and engineering firms are stronger than ever, and they will be contributing their usual thought-provoking feature articles and columns.

And, in an industry that increasingly recognizes the value of actionable intelligence, we also are working with these partners to redouble our research efforts, with surveys on emergency management and facility planning joining our well-read Hospital Construction Survey and other projects in the discussion stages.

Finally, our website and its underlying systems are undergoing a major overhaul that not only will make our site better organized but easier to access from smartphones and tablets. This, too, characterizes prospective technical changes for our roster of three popular e-newsletters — HFM Insider, HFM News and ES News — which we'll likely expand further.

To learn more about our plans, download a copy of our media kit by logging on to We look forward to delivering you an outstanding product.

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