

December 2011 Toolbox

Energy management

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance's BetterBricks commercial building initiative maintains a website that provides hospital managers, facility directors, designers and energy service providers with unbiased information on reducing energy consumption. It includes a planning guide, articles, interviews, case studies, tools and resources to help them design, build and operate high-performance hospitals. It can be accessed at


Munters' free "PsychroApp" psychrometric calculation tool is designed for the iPhone and iPod Touch, and also is able to run unmodified on an iPad. It can provide fast and accurate humidity calculations using industry-standard ASHRAE equations. For more information or to download the app, go to

Infection control

A new website by Bioquell Inc. is designed to provide health care professionals and staff with easy-to-digest information on the pathogens responsible for health care-associated infections. It can be accessed at



SMS Inc.'s QC-FC v1, QuickCheck Fire Code version 1.1 app provides rapid access to health care fire codes. It costs $2.99 and is compatible with Apple, BlackBerry and Android products. For more, go to

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