Last Detail

A point worth making

October 2010 Last Detail

Facility: Northwest Community Hospital South Pavilion
Location: Arlington Heights, Ill.
Architect: Cannon Design, Chicago

Designed to support the hospital's commitment to the Triad of Care — patient, family and caregiver — the Northwest Community Hospital South Pavilion is a patient-care addition that focuses on operational and functional needs for high-acuity care. The tower's triangular form shortens travel distances for staff and results in a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:4.

The design acknowledges the growing need to access infrastructure as the decentralization of technology continues to expand. Air quality, thermal comfort, noise control, privacy and involvement of family and friends are design priorities throughout the building.

The patient-care addition maintains a relatively small footprint and provides a new, slender vertical element. The upper floors "peel away" from the existing geometries of the international-style campus, energetically redefining the hospital's relationship to the community.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, please contact senior editor Jeff Ferenc at

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