Last Detail

Making a splash

November 2012 Last Detail

Facility: Forest Park Medical Center at Frisco Square
Location: Frisco, Texas
Architect: BOKA Powell

From the grand lobby to the elegant patient rooms to the upscale restaurant inside, every aspect of Forest Park Medical Center at Frisco Square, a four-story, 141,500-square-foot surgical hospital in Frisco, Texas, offering state-of-the-art health care, was designed to make patients, staff and visitors feel as though they were at a spa.

The VIP experience starts with the fountain, which serves as a focal point for everyone arriving at the main building. More than 40 feet in diameter, the fountain is situated inside the medical center's circular drive and serves as a landmark within the redeveloped Frisco Square area where the medical center is located.

The large volume of water from the central rings of nozzles creates eight strong, frothy geysers of white water, dominated by a 15-foot center jet. The nozzles in an outside ring send arcs of water inward toward the center of the fountain from its granite coping, adding a sparkling effect.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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