Last Detail

Nature's influence

October 2012 Last Detail

Facility : John Muir Medical Center
Location : Walnut Creek, Calif.
Artwork : Gordon Huether Studio Napa, Calif.
Architect : Ratcliff Architects San Francisco

John Muir was a Scottish-born American naturalist, author and early advocate of wilderness preservation in the United States. The National Park bill passed by Congress in 1890 that established Yosemite and Sequoia national parks is the result of his passion.

The Tom and Billie Long Patient Care Tower is a recent addition to the John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek, Calif. Gordon Huether Studio took inspiration for the design work outside the medical center from Muir's deep love of nature.

The River of Light, inset into the pavement, glows an iridescent blue and sparkles in the sunlight. It cuts through the Mountain Range sculpture and works its way to the hospital's main entrance.

The river was created with 87 24-inch tiles formed by fusing four layers of clear glass over custom-made, blue-gold ripple glass with a dichroic coating. The coating causes an array of color to be displayed.

The Mountain Range (inset at right) consists of two layers of glass and one layer of corten steel. It extends about the length of a football field as it frames the entrance of the hospital. A cathode lighting system installed between the glass layers causes it to glow at night like a sunset.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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