Inside HFM

Improving together

Raising the bar on another year of <em>Health Facilities Management</em>

Another year is upon us and the demands of increased efficiency, accelerated cost savings and continuous improvement have, if anything, become even more intense. It's something with which Health Facilities Management's (HFM's) readers are grappling every day, and it's an area of emphasis for the magazine's staff, too.

Recently, HFM's editorial, design and production teams completed the arduous job of converting our editorial process to an entirely new content management system.

This will pay dividends as more of our print and digital articles eventually are formatted for mobile devices without requiring additional, time-consuming conversion processes. It also will play a key role in the planned redesign of our website later this year with a more user-friendly interface, improved search functionality and greatly increased timeliness.

Of course, these technical innovations are only valuable if we continue to bring you the must-read content you've come to expect.

With this in mind, you'll notice in this month's issue a new addition to our lineup "Interview" that will provide candid discussions with influential industry leaders eight times a year. We've also changed the running order of some of our longtime departments to improve the overall flow of the magazine.

Looking further out, we've worked with our many industry partners to plan a stellar lineup of research, feature and news stories throughout the year.

So, log on to our website at and check out our 2013 media guide to see what you can expect this year, and be sure to renew your subscription so you won't miss any of it.

Join us as we continue to improve together.

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