
Recommended methodologies for charrettes

Charrette exercises should include six key elements

To get the most effective thinking on how to implement the findings from a post-occupancy evaluation (POE), a multidisciplinary team should be convened to participate in a design charrette. The goal of the charrette primarily should be to resolve a critical issue revealed through the POE process.

For a health care design project, the ideal charrette team should include at least two members from each of the following groups to form two charrette working groups: architects, interior designers, clinicians, administrators, facility managers, researchers and end users.

Several days ahead of the charrette meeting, researchers should provide the team with a questionnaire and POE findings summary.

Charrette exercises will include the following elements:

  • Character profiles.
  • Activity analysis that develops a detailed list of tasks and activities for each character profile.
  • Flow diagrams for activity processes through all phases of the care episode.
  • Scenario sketches that represent big ideas with no limitations.
  • Solutions that also include alternative design responses to issues.
  • Evaluate and critique alternative designs.

The end result will be refined designs for presentation to the project owner and for publication to the health care design field.

Check out sample character profiles below.

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