
AHA addresses strategies to invest in infrastructure

Plus: FGI, NFPA and others request public commenting on important issues

AHA addresses strategies to invest in infrastructure

American Hospital Association President Rick Pollack recently commented on a congressional meeting that focused on investing in the nation’s infrastructure. Pollack addressed three opportunities to invest in health care infrastructure. The first suggestion is to expand digital infrastructure to ensure the public has access to high-speed internet, which would support widespread use of telehealth care, electronic health records and imaging tools. He also addressed the need to boost funding for the Hospital Preparedness Program, which provides critical funding and other resources to aid hospitals’ planning and response. Pollack’s final suggestion is to help hospitals right-size to meet the needs of their communities, especially in vulnerable rural and inner-city urban areas.

CMS requests comments on co-location guidance

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is requesting public comments regarding Guidance for Hospital Co-location with Other Hospitals or Healthcare Facilities by July 2. The draft revisions are intended to provide clarity and guidance regarding what constitutes a co-location between hospitals or other health care entities. The draft addresses how the co-located facilities will be surveyed and clarifies contractual staffing requirements for co-located health care facilities. CMS will review submitted comments before issuing a final version of the guidelines. Once finalized, these interpretive guidelines will be implemented by CMS and become the guidance for surveyors. The American Society for Health Care Engineering is requesting that members share their concerns and submit comments regarding the guidance.

FGI Guidelines comment period ending soon 

The Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) is closing public commenting on its 2022 documents June 30. Members of the public, particularly interested professionals in the health care and long-term care fields (clinicians, caregivers, administrators, facility managers, design professionals, etc.) and authorities having jurisdiction that use the document in the field, are invited to submit proposals to correct, update or add to the 2018 Guidelines and comment on the drafts of the 2022 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals, Guidelines for Design and Construction of Outpatient Facilities, and Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities.

NFPA TIA addresses communication systems

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is soliciting public comments on Tentative Interim Amendment No. 1405 to NFPA 101, Life Safety Code®. The amendment addresses communication systems used in hospitals. It proposes that the installation, testing and maintenance of two-way communication systems be in accordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.

NIST releases draft framework on data privacy risk

The Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released for comment a draft framework to help organizations that deliver or use data processing systems, products or services to manage privacy risk. The draft aligns with NIST’s framework for reducing cybersecurity risks to critical infrastructure, including health care and public health. NIST seeks feedback on whether the framework could be used as part of an organization’s risk management processes.

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