
Minimizing operational disruptions with alternative project delivery

Job order contracting can help to ensure repairs are completed in a timely manner following natural disaster

Many fields, including federal, state and local government; education; and, most recently, health care, have added another delivery model to their toolbox. Although not new, job order contracting is relatively new to health care and represents a construction procurement process defined by firm, preset prices that are set at the beginning of the contract period to guarantee transparency. 

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Managing for the unexpected

With job order contracting, health facilities managers can complete large numbers of repairs and renovation projects with a single, competitively awarded contract based on a set of pre-priced construction tasks — an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity umbrella contracting program. It is a project delivery program rather than a process because multiple projects can be completed from a single bid.  

There are various models of job order contracting, but the common denominator is immediate contractor availability that can assist the facilities manager in recovery or risk mitigation projects. The various components of work have been identified using recognized standards such as those from the Construction Standards Institute and recognized construction cost data for the region. 

Once in place, job order contracting is an alternative for recovery projects and the myriad capital renewal and deferred maintenance projects the institution funded for investment. Some third-party job order contracting providers are aligned with purchasing networks and group purchasing organizations that can accelerate procurement even further. 

These tasks can be customized and can include items critical to hospital and health care safety procedures, such as infection control risk assessment, required construction work rules and life safety procedures. The facilities professional can use job order contracting along with their traditional project delivery methods to ensure timely response to support the missions of the institution, augmenting their project delivery methods. 

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