Emergency management

Notifier by Honeywell offers a microsite on effective deployments of integrated fire alarm and emergency communication systems through virtual demonstrations of emergency scenarios. The site explores real-world events, demonstrating the life-saving functions of the system. For more information, go to the news link at the bottom of www.notifier.com/main.htm.

Infection control

Bioquell has developed a free online microsite that features more than 30 of the most common environmental contaminants of importance in health care. The online resource provides valuable in­sight into bacteria, viruses and fungi. To learn more, visit the site at www.bioquellus.com/technology/microbiology.


The U.S. Green Building Council has launched its online App Lab, a software tool to provide project teams and administrators integration with LEED Online and the LEED certification process. To apply for the app, go to www.usgbc.org/automation.


Munters' free PsychroApp psychrometric calculation tool provides fast and accurate humidity calculations using industry standard ASHRAE equations. For more information or to download the app, go to www.munters.com/psychroapp.