
Ambulatory center promotes healthful choices

ProMedica facility boasts wellness-oriented programs and design
ProMedica Health and Wellness Center Wellness Stair

The ProMedica Health and Wellness Center ‘Wellness Stair.”

Image courtesy of HKS Inc.

ProMedica is a health system with a core mission to “improve your health and well-being.” It has taken several steps to improve the population health of 27 counties it serves in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. In addition to developing a network of hospitals, physicians, health care professionals, researchers, and specialty clinics and facilities, ProMedica has taken a targeted approach to incorporating programmatic elements into many of its facilities to be a catalyst for behavior change, from healthful food access to physical activity.

For instance, the ProMedica Health and Wellness Center, Sylvania, Ohio, is a new ambulatory facility that brings together 11 system physician practices into one location to facilitate patient access and create a sense of place. The design is focused on connectivity and flexibility, making this building a community-centered wellness amenity.

Upon arrival, guests are welcomed with a two-way connection for health and wellness. The transparent three-story space is a notable, memorable and clearly understandable environment integrated with landscape and interiors that support the community. The focal point of this space is a Wellness Stair, a core element to all new ProMedica facilities. The stair is located in front of the elevators, making it the first opportunity for vertical circulation. This, combined with rewarding views and art features, has made it the primary mode of vertical transportation.

The design team created two open-to-the-elements courtyards that flood the gallery space with natural light and provide visual access to the outdoor environment. The exterior landscape extends from street to interior garden courtyards, providing all-season connections to nature and daylight.

The ProMedica Health and Wellness Center also offers a community room that local groups utilize on a regular basis. The room is sized for 65 people, and it has retractable glass walls that can open up into the gallery to accommodate a larger crowd. To address a key consideration in population health — food insecurity — the building offers a food “pharmacy,” in partnership with the local food pantry that provides healthful food.

In this way, ProMedica has focused on continuous population health across the communities it serves, both through programs and building elements.

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