Last Detail

A memorable design

February 2011 Last Detail

Facility: Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
Location: Las Vegas
Architect: Gehry Partners, LLP

One look at the Keep Memory Alive Event Center at Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas and it's clear this is no ordinary facility. And that's the point of this striking design.

The center, which adjoins the clinical facility, features a swooping, sweeping stainless steel trellis canopy that exemplifies famed arch­itect Frank Gehry's unorthodox use of curving, almost whimsical shapes in his work.

The event center is a stunning use of architecture that elevates the clinic's stature in the com­munity and underscores the importance of the work done there. The center, which opened in May 2010, is used for a variety of events, including weddings, birthdays, reunions, business meetings, trade shows and more.

In turn, the events generate revenue that helps fund the clinic's core mission of providing treatment and research for the prevention of neurocognitive disorders. The clinic opened in July 2009.

The marriage between Cleveland Clinic's ex­pertise and Gehry's vision was spearheaded by Las Vegas businessman Larry Ruvo, whose father Lou died of Alzheimer's.

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