'Power Skills' for facilities managers

“Power Skills” began as a 12-part series that has evolved into an ongoing conversation with Adam Bazer, MPD, the senior director of knowledge product development at the American Society for Health Care Engineering. 

In his monthly articles, Bazer explores the nontechnical tools today’s health care facilities professionals need to succeed and excel in their career goals. 

2024 articles

June 2024

Songs about rainbows and how teamwork impacts innovation

Lessons health care facilities management teams can learn from legendary innovator Jim Henson and company

May 2024

Problem-solving: The wellspring of innovation   

Pouring into your team's problem-solving skill  set will keep innovation flowing.

April 2024

How critical thinking saves our lives

Asking thoughtful questions will help teams move from unconscious bias to true innovation needed to unlock solutions. 

March 2024

Emotional intelligence amplifies your innovation opportunities 

Solving issues in health care operations requires a finely tuned ear that can pick up on the daily frustrations of patients and staff.

February 2024

You can’t innovate if you don’t communicate

Mastering the second step of innovation and developing a communications plan can turn great ideas into useful realities.

January 2024

How 'power skills' power innovation

ASHE's director of education discusses the fuel that drives innovation in the workplace.


2023 articles

December 2023

A look back at a year of leveling your power skills 

Move into 2024 with a true assessment of workplace wins and opportunities for growth in the new year. 

November 2023

How Thanksgiving prepares you for intercultural fluency 

Building a team that knows how to integrate varying views and perspectives will help to heighten communication and collaboration. 

October 2023

What Ferris Bueller teaches us about career management

Taking a little time to first assess career goals will help in finding the fastest route to success. 

September 2023

Regaining a positive work ethic 

Despite rapid change in professional environments, a good work ethic will always be in high demand.

August 2023

The power of a positive, professional attitude 

Attitudes can be contagious and often have the power to help or hinder team performance.  

July 2023

How to define and become the leader you envision 

Learning to lead well requires identifying strengths and strengthening weaknesses.

June 2023

Stepping to the subtle dance of successful teamwork

Creating a psychologically safe culture that embraces communication and risk-taking will help teams flourish.  

May 2023

Escaping ineffective problem-solving 

ASHE's director of education discusses the keys to unlock your team's potential and create a problem-solving culture. 

April 2023

Thinking critically to foster critical thinking team culture 

Empowering teams to reason clearly and critically brings value to the entire organization. 

March 2023

How to activate the hydraulics of teamwork

Understanding social and emotional intelligence can help to fuel team productivity. 

February 2023

Poor communication skills are costing us billions

Using five key measurements can help you gauge and improve how effectively you communicate with others in career and life.

January 2023

‘Power skills’ needed to succeed in today’s workplace

Adam Bazer, ASHE director of education, kicks off a new article series on the human-centered abilities needed to guide facilities teams.