Last Detail

A sense of history

January 2014 Last Detail

Facility: Children's Medical Center Dallas
Location: Dallas
Architect: WHR Architects

As part of its yearlong centennial celebration, Children's Medical Center Dallas renovated its hospital lobby space to include a high-tech, interactive exhibit.

As visitors enter the lobby, they are greeted by an engaging exhibit that displays the medical center's remarkable history, accomplishments and many donors over the past 100 years.

The design features layered panels of wood and etched glass, illustrative storybooklike graphics, colorful LED lighting and a large digital screen wall.

A high-tech and high-touch donor recognition wall commemorates generous gifts given to the hospital by the community. Donor names are displayed in playful on-screen bubbles that move as visitors touch the screen or walk by.

The central theme of the exhibit, created by West Office Exhibition Design, is the realization of the vision articulated for Children's by founder and nurse May Smith.

Smith's vision was made possible through the dedication of the Dallas community to provide health care for all children — regardless of their ability to pay.

The project was a collaboration of Children's Medical Center, WHR Architects, the Beck Group, West Office Exhibition Design and others.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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