Last Detail

Perfectly calming

April 2011 Last Detail

FACILITY: St. Anthony Regional Hospital
LOCATION: Carroll, Iowa

St. Anthony Regional Hospital, a 99-bed rural hospital located in Carroll, Iowa, a community of about 12,000, is committed to being a progressive regional health care leader. The hospital's latest project involves the addition of a new 120,000-square-foot surgery center designed to serve both inpatients and outpatients.

Designers created the center with the goal of supporting the best patient care possible and also providing areas where family members and visitors can relax comfortably. With its ex­pansive window wall that provides dramatic, sweeping views of the Iowa countryside, the family lounge offers an ideal calming space.

To soften the scale of the lounge, designers incorporated an open ceiling grid and floating ceiling panels. More intimate zones were created within the space through the use of furniture arrangements and lighting. Warm, soft colors reflect the landscape outside and enhance the safe, secure environment inside.

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