
Evidence suggests Fable Hospital is the real deal

April 2011 Upfront

The Fable Hospital was developed in 2004 by the Center for Health Design's Pebble Project to analyze the impact of implementing evidence-based design in hospitals. Seven years and several hundred research studies later, the clinical and business cases for evidence-based design are stronger than ever.

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Dublin Methodist Hospital makes evidence-based design a priority.

That's the conclusion of a recent report written by key persons involved in the Fable Hospital project. The report, titled "Fable Hospital 2.0," was published by The Hastings Center, a nonprofit organization that researches bioethical issues.

Many of the innovations recommended in the Fable Hospital — larger, private patient rooms and bathrooms, more daylight, noise reduction, patient lifts for staff — are becoming mainstream, the report states. The result is fewer patient falls and infections, shorter lengths of stay, and reduced staff injuries and turnover.
Lead author Blair Sadler, a senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Im­provement and former

26-year CEO at Rady Children's Hospital and Health Center, San Diego, says the increasing demand for quality patient care and outcomes, and expectation of a safe, pleasing environment are driving evidence-based design.

"The overwhelming majority of hospitals being built today are incorporating most of these innovations into their designs," he says. The cost to implement the innovations is about $29 million and the payback is three years.

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