2017 Salary Survey

2017 Health Facilities Management/ASHE/AHE Salary Survey

Explore key influences on salaries of health care facilities professionals
Salary Survey illustration

About the survey

Health Facilities Management, the American Society for Healthcare Engineering and the Association for the Healthcare Environment surveyed a random sample of 9,268 health facilities professionals to learn about trends in hospital compensation. The response rate was 11.3 percent, or 1,047 completed surveys.

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Education and certification improve career prospects

In today’s complicated, competitive health care career field, education and certification are becoming critical not only to advancement, but also to better salaries. And while pay hikes may not be keeping pace with increasing responsibility levels, salaries for Health Facilities Management (HFM) readers are on the rise, according to a 2017 survey of management compensation conducted by HFM in cooperation with the American Society for Healthcare Engineering and the Association for the Healthcare Environment.

Interactive data

Health facility manager salaries

Explore health facility manager salaries more in-depth with this interactive chart that allows you to filter data by region, number of beds, years of experience in management and square footage of facilities.

  • Health facility manager salaries interactive regional map


Retirements spur action on succession planning

With the aging of the health care management workforce and influx of baby boomers who plan to retire, many hospitals are or will be facing succession issues in the near future. Nearly a third of respondents say they have the issue on their radar, and have a succession plan in place or under development. More