Last Detail

Nature's calming influence

July 2010 Last Detail


Facility: TriPoint Medical Center
Location: Concord, Ohio
Architect and Landscape architect: Karlsberger, Columbus, Ohio
Art consultant: Distinctive Art Source, Spring, Texas
Site and civil engineers: CT Consultants Inc., Mentor, Ohio

In creating the TriPoint Medical Center, an open, integrative design approach allowed multiple disciplines to collaborate in developing a cohesive theme emphasizing nature that starts with the landscape at the entrance and continues throughout the hospital itself.

Design outside and inside TriPoint Medical Center was greatly impacted by the mature forest, wetlands and pristine stream that bisect the site. These natural elements were preserved and expressed in the design. Thus, the unifying concept of the "life-giving stream" emerged.

As patients and visitors enter the site, they cross a landscaped pond and are greeted by a grand waterfall. This is the first glimpse they see of the natural theme that permeates the entire development and sets the tone of serenity and healing at TriPoint Medical Center.

The client also commissioned an art consultant to initiate a program that recruited local talent for nature-themed artwork throughout the facility, further reinforcing the medical center's unified design.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, please contact senior editor Jeff Ferenc at

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