Last Detail

Playful mood

January 2013 Last Detail

Facility: Children's Specialty Pediatric Center at Children's Hospital & Medical Center
Location: Omaha
Artist: Matthew Placzek
Architect: HDR

The sculpture "Imagine" by artist Matthew Placzek depicts five bronze statues of children at play with LED- filled, aluminum and polycarbonate umbrellas on the exterior grounds of Children's Specialty Pediatric Center at Children's Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha.

The statues lead visitors to the interior of the facility, where 19 colorfully, illuminated umbrellas seem to float alongside a lighted 76-foot spire that rises inside a window-encased stairwell. The umbrellas contain programmable LED lights capable of producing more than 16 million colors and combinations during a light show each night.

Completing the project required contributions from more than 75 partners, including structural and industrial engineers, a polycarbonate fabricator, a steel fabricator, mold makers, foundry workers, electrical contractors and installation crews, Placzek says.

To submit a Last Detail case for consideration, contact Jeff Ferenc at

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